Self-Indulgent Post of the Week: Eastbound and Down

Self-Indulgent Post of the Week: Eastbound and Down

March 17, 2019

What am I watching? I know I’m late to the party, but with Amazon Prime Video, I’m getting into Eastbound and Down. I finished season one and have moved a couple episodes into season two. Truthfully, the supporting characters can be kind of annoying and the show revolves entirely around the main character, Kenny Powers. If not for McBride’s delivery, this show would probably have been a flop.

What am I googling? Intermittent fasting. I mentioned the other night on Twitter that I started doing intermittent fasting, which is generally where you only eat for an 8- or 10-hour window per day. Some people even fast for a whole day or two per week. I don’t know if I can avoid eating for a whole 24-hour period, and I think I would probably have a hard time sleeping on an empty stomach. Generally, I don’t eat until 11:00 a.m. and I make sure to stop eating by about 7:00 p.m. My body has adjusted at this point where I don’t really feel hungry prior to 11:00, so I just had to get over the hump where my stomach was growling after 9:00 or so.

What am I looking forward to? The NFL Draft. Do I need to say anything else to you football fans about this? Michigan might have a couple guys drafted on the first night, and I always go to a draft party with a bunch of friends.


  1. Comments: 1863
    Joined: 1/19/2016
    Mar 17, 2019 at 10:50 AM

    I couldn’t do it. Not only are my days really long because of worry/commute, but I’m always hungry.
    I missed a breakfast or two on deployment, same with dinner. Outside of that, never in my life have I gone more than 10hrs without eating something

    Good luck!

    • Comments: 3844
      Joined: 7/13/2015
      Mar 17, 2019 at 11:03 AM

      I wasn’t sure if I could, but like I said, my body adjusted. It took probably a month or two. Now I’m considering cutting it down to a 7-hour window instead of 8.

  2. Comments: 313
    Joined: 8/17/2015
    Mar 18, 2019 at 1:10 AM

    I like Will Ferrell appearances with Kenny Powers.

    Health benefits really start kicking in after a 24 hour fast. 48 to 72 hours and you’ll feel some good things.

    24 hour fasts aren’t too bad, you just need to stay in the mindset of “I’m not eating today.” Not bad for trying to drop a few el bees, but you need to make sure you don’t overdo it the day after.

    • Comments: 1863
      Joined: 1/19/2016
      Mar 18, 2019 at 8:07 AM

      72hrs? That’s just crazy. How about exercise?

      • Comments: 359
        Joined: 8/11/2015
        Mar 18, 2019 at 9:09 AM

        Agreed. I have learned that all things in moderation is very good advice. I(we) have to watch for low blood sugar, use common sense.

        Spacing your meals within an eight or ten hour period should be fairly easy if you cut out eating in front of the TV. What has always shown results for me is what I eat (control the carbs), portion control (I don’t eat nearly the same mass quantities that I used to), and regular daily exercise.

        I exercise every day and have been able to control diabetes with a decent A1C with this regimen so far.

      • Comments: 313
        Joined: 8/17/2015
        Mar 18, 2019 at 9:53 AM

        Energy levels will be down. If you’re on a 72 hour fast I wouldn’t recommend working out period. Your glycogen stores are going to be depleted and depending on what you’re doing it’s possible your body turns to muscle for fuel. I’ve read conflicting data, but I don’t know exactly what and when will trigger my body to ketogenesis vs. gluconeogenesis with varying energy exertion.

        If we think back to caveman days, cavemen weren’t going to the fridge for snacks, they probably needed to exert a bit of energy just to catch whatever they were going to eat, with days “fasting” in between feeding sessions.

        The thought process behind a 72 hour fast is your body will cleanse itself of damaged cells, using them as energy or trying to repair them. I used to fast a day a week, waking up the day after the fast always felt amazing.

        I’ve done light cardio after a 24-hour fast. 3 miles or less in the morning. I feel great when doing that, would break the fast shortly after.

        Thunder, if you’re trying to drop a few pounds I would look into the keto diet. Difficult to transition into, and if you decide to try you should stick with it for at least a couple weeks, but the fat melts off. I could still workout as well, endurance was a bit down, but overall strength was still there.

        • Comments: 3844
          Joined: 7/13/2015
          Mar 18, 2019 at 10:00 AM

          I’ve looked into the keto diet. I love fruit, though, and I’m not big into vegetables. Give me any fruit and I’ll eat it. Vegetables, though? I can eat pretty much any of them cooked or I can eat spinach salad of some sort with things mixed in (onions, grape tomatoes, etc.), but raw veggies (carrots, broccoli, lettuce, etc.) generally make me gag.

          As for exercising, I know this probably isn’t too much of a surprise, but I’m just fine to work out in the morning before I eat at 11:00 a.m. I haven’t had any issues with energy levels being too low. I know the longer fasts would be the bigger question, but yeah, the daily fasts aren’t an issue.

  3. Comments: 1863
    Joined: 1/19/2016
    Mar 18, 2019 at 9:27 PM

    I’m 6’2, 210. Not anywhere near my peak fitness as a Marine, but can still run 3mi around 20min; can still do 20pullups. I try to play with some combine tests every year, and am proud to test better than some guys whose names get called (not in speed/agility though)

    I eat all day, but never friend foods, and limit desserts to birthdays, Christmas & Thanksgiving, and a box or three of Girl Scout cookies when in season. Exercise is the key

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