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  • in reply to: Rumor: Devin Asiasi may not return in the fall #21454

    Not a positive development, obviously relative to the team but I wouldn’t describe it as a ‘huge disaster’. lol A huge disaster, to me, would be say a direct strike from a 50 yard diameter meteor on Ann Arbor……..

    jez sayin bro…………INTJohn

    in reply to: '17 Class Grades – Position Group #21453

    Great overall assessment – great conversation.
    Comments frum the peanut gallery:

    DB’s: Staff will , I think, put a couple wr’s at DB.
    Defense continues to be the great strength & health of the team.

    Ruiz IS the Key to this class as to the future of the offense: The QB of the OL. I think its critical that he start frum the git go and gain the valuble xpereince. All of the OL recruits. Cole & Co. at guard can help him initially with the c calls – a coach on the field for him if you will.

    Looking for a ‘grad transfer’ at OL is just delusional unless its someone like the guy from Tx cupl years back who graduated in 3 years and had 2 years elgibility. To bring in a guy for 1 year is just plain stupid – better to let the young guys get the xperience – throw em to the wolves and learn.

    Cohesiveness & Corregraphy for the OL must be developed for the long term future of the offense. Harbaugh is done with and I hope; rightfully so with ‘grad transfers’. I wish peeps would get this crap out of their heads. Harbaugh used it as a stop gap positive for season 1 – its over! damn it as it should be. If Harbaugh brings in a grad transfer for the OL it tells me after 3 classes he doesn’t know how to Build a Team! To bring a GT on the OL at this point is a grave red flag signal for Harbaugh’s overall inability to build a Team. frankly an admission of failure!

    2017 is the last of the transition years. Michigan must use this season for everyone to get thrown to the wolves – get beat up, take their lumps and move on to the future. 2018 & 2019.

    2017 is a year for growing pains & bruises – deal with it; play the younginz’; grow up for ’18, Michigan, or die………


    in reply to: Off topic – politics #21312

    Who’s Brian? serious ? I dont know ‘Brian’…….is that a pseudonym? someone or something – I don’t get it. 🙁

    If you’re referring to me as an excellent writer – no I’m not; not hardly. I have to conform to general rules of phonetic metaphor & it drains all of my creativity in terms of a written expression.

    For example – oh first – I don’t do ‘right & wrong’; I care more about ‘whats real’ at least in terms of a Natural Pantheistic lean vs Whats Right or ‘True’ in an Idealistic Moral/Political sense. I could easily be described as Amoral…….. not that I would wear ‘it’ but I can be described that way.

    Back to the Writing ‘For example’: here in Murahka, regarding its alphabet, I think it would be very helpful if ‘they’ would just drop the letter ‘C’. It performs no phonetic purpose that the letters K or S can’t handle; so I think we should just drop the letter C from writing at least in terms of its representations that K or S could easily pick up. Now one could propose to transfer phonetic responsibility of the sound ‘cha’ as in the word ‘chat’ ‘chit’ or ‘change’ to the letter ‘C’ seeing as we’ve taken its duties away regarding K & S. In that case I might be ok with keeping it in the alphabet – otherwise it should simply be done away with.

    Also, I think major modifications should be made to writing across the board.
    i.e a more phonetically correct form – to elaborate, the word phonetic – should be pronounced funetik – or sumthin simalur (bekawz we’ve goten rid uv the letur ‘C’ exsupt for kasiz with wurdz lyke Choke – whitc wud b speld coke. jest an egzampl…….

    More funetik -this would make it much more easy to communicate at least in a written sense; probably leading to better clarification in a legal sense which would/could perhaps bleed over to a clearer solution to Political problems of various conflict.

    Of course because of the Worlds numerous languages – if they too joined in it could start a written linguistically oriented Revolution that over time could evolutionally solve all of humanity’s problems not only on Earth but with out doubt Heaven as well.


    in reply to: Off topic – politics #21310

    Yeah talk about the principal failure of the World’s Religious structures (said structures also being the sociogenic foundations of the political structures); the area where the World’s religions have really failed Humanity is in the area of Population Control:

    Thousands of years worth of ascetic like training/indoctrination & brainwashing and they still haven’t figured out how to keep all those lil virgins legs together…….

    The problem was solved sort of regarding overpopulation several years back in a conversation with a friend from India who has PhD EE from MIT. The conversation went something like this:

    7 billion people on the planet, right?. Right.
    OK there’s like 2 billion Christians & about 2 billion Moslems. Now both groups generally pay a superficial Humanistic tolerating lip service to each other but when you boil the sap away neither of them like the other and both wish the other would disappear……..

    So here’s the proposal:

    You put the 2 billion Christians on the West side of Sahara and you put the 2 billion Moslems on the East side of Sahara – you know like 2 teams squaring off on a great big Football Field. Give both sides all the guns, ammo, tanks, planes, bombs, missles, etc they want and turn em loose – no food, no water, no nukes. In 3 maybe 4 days they are ALL where they say they want to spend Eternity anyway ahhhnd for those of us who like it here on Earth, we have Earth’s population down to 3 billion or so……

    My MIT friend, he nod his head; OK, OK; I’m with ya John but ahhh wha u guna do about 1 billion Hindus?

    Well, yeah; that might be a problem cause they believe they’re all coming back again, right? – soooo maybe we’re just stuck with them.

    ain’t sayin; jez sayin…………INTJohn

    in reply to: Off topic – politics #21303

    Why not! I never ever thought that some meaningless entertaining football blog would inspire me to reveal some of my notes. but what the hell I love irony.

    In the past 100 or so years the most cataclysmic events in Human history occurred: that being the ushering out of principally monarchal forms of government to be replaced by some form of Democratic based mutation.

    Prior, Humanity had experienced some 10,000ish years of Monarchal Divine Right Patriarchal based forms of hereditary government. In the last century almost all of this was done away with to be replaced by some variant mutation of Democracy. Considering this took place in the span of a mere 100 years – no wonder as to the Cultural Storms that dominated the 20th Century.

    Yes! given the 3 ‘Ideologies’ that came to the forefront in the 20th Century and the conflict & competition wrought by each for ‘dominance’ – at the end of the Century there is only one left standing: British Democratic Empiricism – not because it was ‘Great’ but because it was the only one to survive. Count this, however, no victory for Humanity but rather only an infantile growing pain; like the emergence of a child’s baby teeth; they have yet to be chewed with; they have yet to be pushed out by something growing internally that is perhaps a thousand years distant, but will be oh so much more permanent!

    It took Humanity some 10000 years to rid itself of Patriarchal based Divine Right Monarchism – lets hope it doesn’t take anywhere near that long for it to outgrow its Human Rights Idealistic based Democratic Mutations. Talk about moving from one extreme to the other! From 1 person rule to ALL person Equal Vote & Equal Rights! HAHA!

    IF Humanity is able to overcome its evolutional childhood diseases perhaps it can mature to a healthy reproductive species in its Natural Existence having cast aside its childhood Tooth Fairy fantasies and become a Healthy Mature Culturally sound and Life Affirming animal!

    Maybe……. assuming it doesn’t first blow itself to Nuclear extinction……..Maybe

    not even a preface; not even an introduction……….INTJohn
    PS: 1 day till signing day – haha

    in reply to: Off topic – politics #21280

    (I like sarcastic/sardonic if not warped humor) OK a real answer on ‘fracking’ – sort of: you wrote you’re in the ‘midwest’. Are you in the Oklahoma region where The fracking is going on? everyday whenever I chek my seismic data We always get readings from central OK cause of the fracking going on there – haha. Nothing major stuff in the 1.5 to maybe 2.0 scale readings on the quake logs……

    Fracking applications are more than just for oil. Thats what everyone hears about cause that is what makes the big emotional reactionary ‘news’. Fracking is used in geothermal applications as well – no one hears about this cause its not ‘BIG OIL’.

    I’m not a moralist and don’t approach Life or Engineering from that perspective. Rather in terms of whats best in terms of overall Health; relative to Fracking with regard to ‘oil’- if its not fucking up the primary ground water aquifers in regions of large populations its generally a cheap, relatively speaking, and efficient way to ‘get the oil’. But Fracking has other very important uses that few are aware of; eg geothermal applications.

    There is a lot of geothermal electrical production in SW Ca – Salton Sea area and South to the border and Mexico as well. The Earth’s crust is really thin in that area and there are really nice hot springs all over, too that peeps take advantage of. In order to get that hot water to the surface often times fracking is necessary to ‘prime the pump’ so to speak on the geothermal plant. That water is 600 to 800 degrees down there and as it rises and the pressure is lessoned, it turns to steam RAPIDLY; but before it can be used to move the turbines to generate electricity; all of the impurities, toxic, corrosive acids & metals must be removed otherwise it would make short work of the turbines – the steam water must be pure.

    OK I went over board there; but fracking can good for this purpose especially in areas of low population anyway for electrical generation. Point is ‘fracking’ has more applications than simply ‘Big Oil’.

    The fact that Murahka is still so addicted to oil is simply a product of its decadence and the Rest of the World is Rapidly getting weary with a spoiled country with 5% of the worlds population basically wasting most of the 25% of the Worlds annual energy production that the US uses. China & India are past dealing with the US on global energy use. 25 or 30 years from now it will come to a MAJOR head – if not before and frankly the spoiled US population needs a good civil awakening OR China & INdia will give it a good major league ASS KICKING 25ish years from now.

    Back to Trump and his ‘Make Murahka Great Again’:
    1 – what is definition of ‘Great’?
    2 – then it precludes that America at some point in its past history had attained to whatever that definition is.
    3 – then it assumes that America is no longer in that present state – what ever it was/is to begin with.
    4 – Then the campaign slogan asserts that this ‘great state of being’ will be re-attained……..
    5 – No condition/proposal/plan of feasible attainment is presented assuming as American voters evidently did; that they all knew what Great was/is; that they all knew & experienced it before; AND that there is some feasible way of reattaining it; but no one has put forth the feasibility plan; ad nausea. LOLOL!!

    …….ahhnd thats why I drink gin and follow Michigan & Florida State sports for entertainment purposes and watch the whales & the dolphins.

    as I pour nuther gin & tonic……….INTJohn

    in reply to: Off topic – politics #21277

    you did bite……haha.
    A response to ‘Fracking’ is simple the rest I’ll get to in another post.

    My opinion on Fracking: If she’s good looking she definitely should be fracked….. 🙂


    in reply to: Off topic – politics #21274

    Yes I’m a Mich alum: Masters Earth Sciences Engineering (special case) – go ahead I dare you to ask me what I think of “Fracking”……. My undergrad is Mathematics from Florida State.

    Prior to my ‘Education’ – I grew up in foster homes & was never adopted. AT 13 my IQ was tested at 149 – age ratio method – yes at 13 I had the reading level of a college Junior and this was back in the days when college Jrs could actually still read.

    At 18 I enlisted in the military where I served for years with the USAF pararescue teams as a Special Forces rescue & intelligence specialist: been thru 2 wars; several battles; 3 skirmishes; numerous recsue firefights, 23 countries, 4 continents. 83 jumps from perfectly good airplanes; Been blown out of the sky in 2 helicopters; had the shit shot of me twice; stabbed once and damn near blown to bits by a handgrenade. Been in a variety of settings scenes & cultures; lived in jungle villages and been to Embassy state dinners having seen and or experienced both the best and the worst of Humanity……..

    Today I live a great life – I don’t know anyone on a personal level whose overall quality of life I would consider better than my own and I can’t even begin to count the persons both good & bad – who have helped to shape who & what I am for better and for worse I have a really good handle as to why much of the rest of The World hates Murahka.

    I’m proud of the fact that I haven’t lowered myself to the level of American Human Rights Constitutional based Democratic Egalitarianism for over 25 years now. I’ll direct you to google George Carlin’s “Why I Don’t Vote”. LOL

    For Americans today it isn’t enough to have an ignorant consience – one must arrogate it; be arrogant enough for it. Maybe i know America that I might even be able to share some truths. haha! This modern America certainly is no large population for fitness or health – physical or moral but it is a great place to be brainwashed & trained in a Nationalistic sense. It has squandered its strength and is nothing resembling any kind of a High Culture that Humanity might be capable of.

    No; in my heart I renounced my US citizenship long ago; I care to be a Citizen of the Planet of Earth – without political or God Forbid – a belief in God! I’ve been accused by religious zealots of being an Atheist and I’ve been acused by Atheists as being a relgious zealot! – to funny. I just want to be one of the many animals on the planet struggling with a sense of special contentment.

    Mostly I learned to affirm all of my life both good & bad – its how I know I’m still alive. I live and have lived a great life: materialistically, financially, educationally, professionaly, in terms of Lifes’ achievements, accomplishments & experiences and frankly I learned most of it from a Tribe of Little People in a far off surreal land in SE Asia a long long time ago who taught me what it means to be a Human Being. For a brash very very tough young man these were lessons not learned easily nor without great suffering but they are for me, today, an experience for which I am profoundly greatful.

    No American Nationalistic Idealsim here on any level;
    just Real Politik
    As I live it……..INTJohn

    in reply to: Off topic – politics #21263

    LOL well hmmmm……. one disadvantage to living in San Diego is I’m always 3 hours late to the breakfast party. lol (I’ll be back to Michigan April 1st)

    Saw all this having not yet had my caffeine & ibuprofen & thought:
    FUKT I jez read?? lol Soon thereafter, when the cobwebs caused primarily from the approximately gallon of gin I drank yesterday began to clear, and my several AM aches & pains began to dissipate I realized this must be bleed-over & overflow from whatever the fuk went on yesterday at MGOBORE………. lol

    (Also, Thunder – maybe you could remove the word ‘Politics’ from the OP title and then make it a ‘Sticky’ to be ever used for all things Off Topic. LOL)

    I’ve lurked for years at various Michigan Blogs and finally joined this 1 about a month ago. (I’ve been on FSU site “The Territory” for ever) MGoBore frankly, I think sucks. Yesterday for example at the time I chekt; of the 15 shown thread topiks only 3 had anything to do with UofM sports & only 5 had anything to do with UofM on any level. The other 10 I don’t recall except there was the always MGoBore customary Hollywood Celebrity OBituary. lol

    When there is any Michigan Football news posted, the site always crashes – lol. Thats when I know there’s actually something worth reading but then I can find it somewhere else, too; if I’m not already aware.
    Also, the threads – if they do start off with any substance of content generally digress into dumas/infantile 1 line drivel by post # 10 that have nothing to do with the topic…..

    Theres my rant on MGoBore: I can’t tell them any of this cause I would have to ‘join’ the fuking site to do that. LOL

    Time to pour anuther cup of coffee and then I’ll return and write about some Reel Politik!
    As I See It………..INTJohn

    in reply to: Why Roam, Jim? #21231

    I don’t think for 1 second that Harbaugh is first & formost intentionaly trying to thumb his nose at the NCAA. Rather he’s trying his best to do his job as a Professional Football Coach in the employ of the University of Michigan.

    First & foremost this means Recruitment, Recruitment, Recruitment!

    I’ll digress back to his first year at USD:
    Harbaugh’s team had gotten the shit beat out of it; had 50sumthin points put up on em. At the end of the game Harbs let the coach know he didn’t appreciate the score being run up. The opposing coach’s response? (paraphrase) Its not my job to stop my offense. Thats your job! Recruit better players and become a better coach.

    take note Thunder, nothing there about playing games with the NCAA. Harbaugh’s job is to recruit ‘better players’ and that is what fielding anykind of a competitive team is about. Harbs needs to take advantage of the Recruitment rich environments. Those environments are not simply Fla, Ga, Tx & California but also the Football Talent Rich Roman Catholic high schools all across Murahka. One only needs to peer at the National High School Rankings to see they are dominated by the National Catholic Parochial School system. Harbaugh has to use his own Catholic connections to get ‘ins’ at those schools as one of the sources from which to recruit. Plain & simple – nothing complex or hard to understand here.

    A ‘field study abroad trip’ to Angkor Wat, for example would be far more educational from a ‘New Culure’ standpoint as well as seeing the largest religious temple ever built. The Vatican and Michigan stadium together can fit inside it!. Exposure to Eastern ideas, settings culture, etc – How educational can you get?

    But not going to help Catholic recruitment for him here in ‘The States’one damn bit – in fact may even have a severe backlash as religiously bigoted parents might think Harbaugh is leading their kids into the breach of sin & Hell itself. LOL

    So come on children, says Harbaugh; “follow me to Rome; I’m the Pide Piper’. lol


    in reply to: Why Roam, Jim? #21229

    LOL – yeah! Conspiracy man!
    Everytime I see a picture of Drevno & Brown chillin with Harbaugh at the 50 yard line I know they’re all plotting against not simply the NCAA but the entire future of Humanity as well……LOL

    besides everyone knows that Italian porn is the best and when in Rome do as the Romans do!

    As I See it………INTJohn

    in reply to: Future UM OL Faalele? #21228

    He’s scary agile for a guy not only his size – but age! He can dribble a basketball pretty good and his move in the paint aint bad. Short term & distance quick like a pouncing cat but built like a Rhino. – Thaz an Aussie basketball judge and Aussies are pretty good at BBall.

    Aussie rules football he’ll never be able to play as it requires a more decathlon type athletic ability with no pads or huddle – similar to what linebackers & strong safeties are in the US game – Peppers is quintessential type Aussie rules football player. But this guy is Hall of Fame quintessential US OL. His size n loox alone might make a college DL pancake himself! haha!


    in reply to: 2017 OL Projected Depth chart #21190

    I’m not arguing anything. All I have to do is watch the games defining the season and the results stand for themselves. My opinion means nothing…….

    …….and since you’ve hijacked your own thread and retitled it “Whom will win the Division/B10 title…… Well it was your thread and you can rename your baybee all you want! 🙂 I can dance to many tunes.

    I’m not ruling out anything but I do live in the present relative to not simply possibilities but also probabilities. After all, in ’16 no one called PSU to even win the division little lone the B10 Title and most had them as a 4th place finish behind OSU, Mich, ahem cough MSU……..

    My money – if I was a betting soul is on PSU to win the Division in ’17. 17 returning starters on a Team that won the Championship should be enough to garner most votes BUT coupled with a complete disrespect for the accomplishment by most everyone should be more than enough motivation by Franklin toward his Team to create a nastiness and edge – if its not already there – to just flat out beat the shit with impunity out of everyone on their schedule. Yep, PSU is going to be one pissed off team all of 17 and no one should look forward to playing them……..

    …….but then again maybe MSU will do another about face and pull off a PSU. Michigan likely is 2nd or 3rd in the division for 17. But the Future: I want to see both my Alma Maters playing in the Naty – maybe in 2018? 2019? The Orange Bowl was good but I want to see a re-match for the Naty. FSU will be there Michigan, yes I want it to be. I’ve already got my shirt pikt out:

    As I See It………….INTJohn

    in reply to: 2017 OL Projected Depth chart #21185

    I don’t think who ever starts/plays etc in 2017 is really going to have that much of an impact on the overall season results. The Ol is Who it is and What it is.
    All of us pretty much agree that Michigan’s 2017 record is going to be somewhere in the 8-4 to 10-2 , inclusive range with a 2nd or 3rd place East Division finish…… no matter who starts or who relieves so……

    I’m of the opinion to use 2017 to simply throw them to the dogs; let them learn as a Line and as individuals get valuable experience take the lumps and/or losses and then have something of substance to build with for 2018.


    in reply to: Why does Harbaugh extend so many offers? #21184

    As I continue this doctoral thesis:

    I think, Thunder, your opinion expressed in Item 2 is certainly a part of the Why. I, too, think Harbaugh at least to some extent isn’t sure what he wants. Like the drunk cad at the club at midnight, he’s hittn on everything ‘female’; Harbaugh being the Football Idiot Savant I think he is has never seen a football player he didn’t like……..
    I remember reading years back how Harbaugh was always bumping heads with Stanford Admissions regarding potential recruits. I presume this is no longer a major obstacle for him at Michigan and like the energetic dog thats been on a chain for far too long, once it gets loose the dog may ‘run wild’ for a few days.

    Also, I think geography plays a big part: Michigan is in the coldest, most wintry location of any of the traditional football powers and the tremendous demographic shift in population over the last 3 decades has left it wanting. (If DP-J for example were not in Michigan’s backyard is there any doubt that he most likely would be at Stanford?)

    Also, in part due to the above, Michigan is no longer anywhere near any kind of a Football Rich Environment. The only state in the B10 area that can be construed as a football rich place is Ohio and, Ohio State – due to in state lack of B10 competition and both Michigan’s & PSU’s recent downturns – has solidified a complete lockdown on any D1 P5 players.

    Even in Football Rich environs, too, there is a tremendous amount of competition for the available talent:
    Georgia & Florida combine for 370 & 439 rated players (247 site) but there are a lot of top programs that this pool is divided up with including neighboring states too include Alabama.
    eg:# ranked/rated # of players
    Texas 501 ; again a lot of in state schools as well as programs in neighboring states.
    Florida 439 ditto
    Ca. 375 ditto
    Ga 370 ditto

    Plus secondary rich states:
    Tenn 127
    Miss 143
    La 129
    Al 113
    and Ohio with 113 is the only B10 area state with any amount of talent pool players.

    So, the only thing Michigan really has going for it anymore as a National Contender is its overall 120 year Football Rich Tradition as well as its current head coach. Even Academics, I think are somewhat secondary to most recruits and to those that it is paramount there are equally highly ranked academic schools lying within the locales of the talent rich areas…….

    So to summarize:
    Simple demographics overall directly leading to a lack of enough locale talent for the University of Michigan has it behind the 8 ball – this will not change for the foreseeable future if ever;

    The climate itself of where the University lies means one has to cast a wide net Nationally to find enough quality talent to want to relocate any distance to a more adverse climate.

    The personal choice as to the type & quality of player that is unique to Harbaugh’s own style & vision of a team built & coached by him & his staff I think lends itself to a ‘shotgun’ approach to recruiting.

    Whew……! I’m weary and going to close my dissertation but welcome, thoughts, ideas, conversation as I think its interesting but from my perspective I’ve probably beaten it to death.


    in reply to: Why does Harbaugh extend so many offers? #21178

    Good stuff; thanx.
    I’m back from the weekend playoff’s – Go Pats. I was going to quit rooting for New England some years back but Goodell’s actions continues to encourage me to now want Tom Terrific to get one for the thumb – but nuther topik.

    Back to ‘Offers’: Alabama somewhat surprised me as to the number of the offers they give as their success would seem to indicate that they could be more selective like Ohio St. but……?

    There does appear to be several fuzzy patterns at play – they are not clearcut & distinct but can be pointed out tho they are not distinctly defined.

    First tho; I realized after posting this that it may have been helpful to have included a few more programs:
    Miami(ytM) 270
    TX 106
    Ore 203
    Col 250
    None of the above fit the few categories I threw up originally but because of academics, traditional field success or geographic location its probably best to list them.

    Back to fuzzy indicators:
    1 – One fuzzy factor regarding offers seems to be proximity to a talent rich environment.
    2 – Another seems to be the number of years a HC has been at a particular institution.
    3 – A third is the general overall success of a particular program.

    I’ll elaborate on the above in abit – probably in another post but first I want to post a recent history on offers by both Michigan & Stanford – that included Harbaugh as a common element.

    17 – 306
    16 – 233
    15 – 132
    14 – 115
    13 – 140
    12 – 139
    11 – 125
    10 – 62
    09 – 92
    08 – 94
    07 – 99
    06 – 88

    17 – 65
    16 – 83
    15 – 79
    14 – 80
    13 – 65
    12 – 104
    11 – 109
    10 – 67
    09 – 98
    08 – 73
    07 – 51
    06 – 59

    At Michigan, The time period cover Carr’s last years as well as RR and Hoke and the low number of offers by the 3 preceding staffs is in direct contrast to Harbaugh’s large increase.

    Harbaugh apparently exhibited the same behavior while at Stanford as again a low number of offers prior to his arrival and Shaw scaling back to those prior levels after Harbaugh’s departure.

    OK – I need a time out here but will continue this.


    in reply to: Wyatt Shallman Leaving Means??? #21036

    Shallman not being on the 2017 roster was a ‘known’ thing. I can’t respond regarding the rest of your content.


    in reply to: Is Ty Wheatley, Sr. leaving Michigan? #20997

    Confirmed Wheatley is gone now lets bring in Mike Hart.


    in reply to: Is Ty Wheatley, Sr. leaving Michigan? #20980

    Roman was just hired by Brother John in Bawtamore. So doubt he’s coming to AA.

    Hart would be an intriguing option and hope jimmy would at least talk with mike about it – even if only exploratory.


    in reply to: Is Ty Wheatley, Sr. leaving Michigan? #20977

    Apparently, Wheatley’s contract with UM expired Thursday – so one can conclude he is now no longer obligated to UM.

    Also, Thursday he was in Alabama meeting/recruiting with Nico Collins. Logistically, its only a slight detour too Jacksonville, Fl for an as of Friday/Weekend free agent Wheatley to meet/explore options with Jaguar officials.

    Food for thought but I’m still waiting for some confirmation from somewhere………INTJohn

    in reply to: Is Ty Wheatley, Sr. leaving Michigan? #20963

    And Ty Wheatley, Jr then to Tallahasee?

    he adds to the rumor?……….INTJohn

    in reply to: Tyjon Lindsey DeCommit #20960

    Also, to continue re Shaw; according to your logic Bo never built a program at Michigan.

    Bo inherited Elliot’s Team that finished 1968 ranked No 12 in the country and that 68 team that got the shit beat out of them in Columbus at that time was ranked No 4 – they finished ranked No 12.

    Elliot laid the foundation. I’ve even heard Michigan alums talking (during Hoke & RR)about how we need a coach to turn the program around like Bo did!
    Bo never turned anything around. He had a 8-2 12th ranked team with 3 or 4 All-Americans on it handed to him……..

    But at some point with sustained success the Program did Become Bo’s…… the same needs to be said for Shaw and any coach thats done it for 6 years: I stand & repeat – Harbaugh ain’t there yet.


    in reply to: Tyjon Lindsey DeCommit #20959

    Evidently you equate good coaching with program development….

    I do not think they are synonymous or one in the same. My definition of Building a Program is when a Head Coach has had sustained success at the same school thru at least 3 full recruiting classes – 6 consecutive years.
    Shaw has done this at Stanford.
    Fisher has done this at FSU
    Saban has done this at Bama
    Swiney has done this at Clemson
    & others Bo & Carr at Michigan on & on
    Pat Fizgerald at Northwestern and Kirk Ferentz at Iowa have fulfilled the time requirements but not the sustained success requirement; there are even coaches out there who have won National Championships that do not fit my definition of a Builder of a Program because they did not have at least a 6 year sustainment of it and in some cases they were found to have cheated……

    Harbaugh has yet to do any of this anywhere – he’s only 1/3 there at Michigan. School is still out on him.

    So good coach – proven; in fact great coach
    Program Developer (Building a Program) hasn’t yet happened;.

    in reply to: Tyjon Lindsey DeCommit #20957

    I mean from the standpoint that he never got to a point at USD or Stanford where he was completely coaching his own players thru a 4 year cycle of development – in other words someone else ‘finished’ what he ‘started’ so we can’t say for sure what it was he actually would have built had he stayed.

    Also USD was in pretty good shape prior to Harbaugh’s arrival. The previous coach at USD was not fired because of a lack of coaching ability – rather had some personality clashes with the AD that led to a mid season dismissal. Mostly what Jimmy did at USD is the same things he’s done so far at Michigan: Make the team he inherited more tough, play with an edge and bring in QB’s: Mortenson & Johnson

    At Stanford – given, the program was in bad shape and agian jimmy did what he’s done at Michigan Coach what he inherited: play tough with an edge and bring in QB’s – then he left……. So we’ve never seen him finish BUILDING – if anything -what he started – Shaw did it.
    At Stanford, jimmy brought in
    07 – 4 OL
    08 – 3 OL
    09 – 2 OL
    10 – 4 OL then he left after 2010
    Shaw his first year brought in 2 OL and then in 2012 Shaw brought in 7 OL . So Shaw is the one deserving of the credit for Building what exists at Stanford.

    This is what I mean by it.
    So Harbaugh comes to Michigan – he had no time to put together a class grab what he could and he was able to snag 3 OL out of 14 incoming……
    But then in 2016 – I think he should have signed 6 OL and he only signed 3. Basically doing what he did at Stanford. Now tho he’s trying to get 6 or 7; ala Shaw and what Fisher did at FSU (Fisher in 2011 signed 9OL! and in 2014 Fisher signed 8 OL!. Thats Building a Team!)

    Next year harbaugh needs at least another 5 or 6 to make up for what he failed to Build in 2015……

    We’ll see what happens But I think the school is still out as to whether Harbaugh can finish a ‘Build’ job. He hasn’t done it yet. If he takes another 5 or more OL in 2018 I’ll be optimistic; but if he doesn’t – goes back to only 3 I’ll still have my skepticism………


    in reply to: Tyjon Lindsey DeCommit #20954

    The 40% attrition rate can never be ignored – its not simply about ability to play vs sitting on the bench for 4 years.

    I don’t care if you have 5 OL who are the 2nd coming of Jake Long. you never know when 1 of them suffers a career ending injury.
    you never know when 1 is guna get drunkt up one night and start sending nudy sexybits.
    You never know when 1 of them is going to have a few drinks; cut in a bar line and end up in fight with a women & the cops…….
    You never know when 1 of them walks in your office and says coach I just wana move back closer to home…….

    So at some point 40% of those guys are going to NOT be there for their full term of elgibilty and when you build a Team you have to account for the reality that as soon as 5 OL enroll, 2 of them are already gone…….

    And of course, now I’m talking about Building a Team; vs Coaching a Team..
    We all a well aware that Harbaugh can coach a Team. Hell I think he’s a Coaching Idiot Savant…… but no where has he Built A Team. He hasn’t done this yet.
    3 yrs at USD – never Built it
    4 years at Stanford – never finished the build job – Shaw did it.
    49’ers is different as its NFL but Jimmy coached Singletary’s players – again did not build it.
    Michigan – just entering 3 years and the school is still out as to whether jimmy can Build a Team as well as Coach it.

    Just because you are a world class race car driver doesn’t mean you can build a world class race car……. School is still out on whether Harbaugh can Build a Team as well as Coach one.


    in reply to: Tyjon Lindsey DeCommit #20946

    This rule of thumb only is valid when you have at least 15 ol already available. If you don’t have 15 minimum you must increase the rate at which you sign them till one has reached the level of stability – hopefully something greater than 15.

    OSU, Bama, FSU, Clemson, etc are at this place of stability and the last several years the above teams have in general been following your ‘general rule of thumb’.

    Another teaam that is trying to amass all the OL’s available that they can is Smart at Ga. Look how many they have lined up as well as for next year.

    Harbaugh & co must sign 6 or 7 this year and 7 next year – and next years class will be small compared with these last 2 but he must sign 7 next year.

    We have enough gazelles & jack rabbits – we need Cape Buffalo.

    in reply to: Tyjon Lindsey DeCommit #20942

    To carry this abit farther:
    But someone, statistically will leave.
    Lets say that Michigan is able to sign 7 ol’s in 2017 + the 9 they have = 16. At a statistical rate of 40% attrition, Michigan has already, however, lost 3 of those 7 so now they are back to where they were this past season at 13. Haven’t gained anything; and thats IF they sign 7 ol’s.

    Now they’ll lose 2 to graduation so now they’re at 11 in 2018 but IF they can again sign 7 OL’s they’ll be up to 18; but now once again the 40% attrition factor must be added which is a loss of 3; from 18 now puts the team at the minumum desire of 15 OL’s…….

    Conclusion: IF Harbaugh & co sign 7 ol in 2017 and 7 ol in 2018 Michigan football will still statistically be only at the desired minimum number of OL’s on the Team at kikoff 2018…….

    Harbaugh fukt up last year by, in his second year, signing only 3 ol when he should’ve signed 7; he made the same mistake at Stanford and;
    IT was the same mistake that hoke made;
    It was the same mistake RR made;

    It was the same mistake that Shaw at Stanford did not make.
    It was the same mistake that Dabo at Clemson did not make.
    It was the same mistake that Fisher at FSU did not make.
    It was the same mistake that Saban at Bama did not make.

    Harbaugh can overcome it IF he gets at least 6 or 7 Ol this year and 7 ol next year.


    in reply to: Tyjon Lindsey DeCommit #20933

    I was going to save this for an offseason topic but we can always come back to it too; so I’ll go off a little now.

    I’m no football coaCH but common sense tells me that if you want to build a Team you need OL’s at least 5 per year. Why the fuck these so-called professional university coaches like [insert any of them] only sign 2 or 3 or 4 per year is beyond me. Maybe I should build their fuking team for them.

    FBS P-5 attrition rates are 40 fuking % so if you sign 5 OL per year statistics show 2 of them per year (for whatever reason or lack thereof) will never use all of their eligibility at the school they sign with. So at 5 signed/yr you will have available 3 at best over 4 years (as most will redshirt their first yr) this gives you 12 fuking players to build a fuking line with. Thats IF you sign 5/yr.

    If like Michigan over the last 10 years, you’ve only signed 31 – 40% attrition = 18 over a ten year period (1.8/yr) x 4 ~= 8 at most – not even a fuking 2 deep!! And this is a school like Michigan for fuking sakes! We’re not talking Grand Valley and theez are supposed to be the top profession coaches: Carr, RR, Hoke – even Harbaugh to an extent – fuking idiots. I could do better simply on Nationwide Law of Averages………

    Michigan must get 6 OL if not 7 this year. We’re in on a solid 4 for 2018 with more in the worx; 2018 should be able to get another 6 and 2019 Michigan will have to really fuk up by not landing 3 of the top 10 rated right now rated OL + another 2 or 3 from across Murahka…………

    2017 will be the last of ‘the transition years’ but the hopefully OL buildup wont be noticed till probably 2018 at the earliest.

    BUT YEAH !! OL’s baybee!! enuff of these Prince Najee the Rajee types riding on the Elephant (go war eagle)……..
    WE NEED OL’s!!
    As I see it………..INTJohn

    in reply to: Tyjon Lindsey DeCommit #20929

    We need OL’s:
    Last 10 years Michigan has had 31 scholarship OL’s
    Clemson has had 35
    OSU has had 36

    If Michigan is going to compete we need OL’s.
    End of it.

    in reply to: Could LTT Come Back? Would UM Take Him? #20912

    Actually I didn’t hear it anywhere. I think I was mulling it all over in my cerebellum after 3 or 4 gin & tonix and my fingers were somehow mysteriously connected to a keyboard.
    ……and now I’m making coffee.:)

    in reply to: Could LTT Come Back? Would UM Take Him? #20907


    Evidently LTT has graduated from UM; hence the University has readmitted him , accepted his Akron transfer credits, cause Michigan his awarded him a degree. Now, evidently LTT would like to grad transfer from Akron to Mich for his last year of athletic eligibility which I guess would be Harbaugh’s call since he’s received his degree while in the process of serving his probation sentence at UM.

    Complicated and still not sure if I spewed that correctly.

    in reply to: Could LTT Come Back? Would UM Take Him? #20906

    He hasn’t served his punishment. He was sentenced in March 2016 to 2 years probation. He hasn’t even served half of it yet.

    Have no clue how the University or Harbaugh would view that IF they even want to view it. (No pun intended)


    in reply to: List of 2017 early enrollees #20828

    I don’t think S. Johnson is on the Team anymore either but just an uneducated guess on my part. Seems like something would be heard, however, given there’s enough students in AA slapping stuff on social media/blogs etc regarding Mich. Football; that someone somehwhere would’ve snooped something…….

    I’ll assume also that ‘BP Petro’ remains on the Team as the QB position will need some gas in the not too distant future; I don’t think Harbaugh wants to let the Ferrari out of the garage tho till the OL can keep from gettin’ it cracked up. Till then he’ll use the big truck out there knowing its going get banged up some……. 🙂


    in reply to: List of 2017 early enrollees #20824

    I still have questions regarding S. Johnson as to whether he’s even on the Team. I’m only mentioning this because you’ve listed his name and while he’s still listed on the roster on MGoBlue I noticed some time back his name is ‘mysteriously’ absent from the Orange Bowl Game Guide part containning the Player Bios as also linked from MGoBlue site.

    Curious if he’s quietly left? and no one has addressed it?


    in reply to: New Crystal Ball: Najee Harris to Michigan #20723

    O’Korn returning shouldn’t seem surprising as with him Harbaugh has the QB position ideally where one would like it: RS Sr; RS Jr; RS So; RS Fr and True Fr coming in.

    Also, Isaac may be planning on returning next year but he’ll have to earn a spot first in the Spring and I’m not sure there will even be 1 for him to compete for:
    I see 52 spots for sure taken as of now with 26 commits makes 78 slots taken. This leaves 7 openings available for any current questionable returnees + any targeted recruits.

    Questionable Returnees:
    1 – Peppers
    2 – J.Clark
    3 – Poggi
    4 – Isaac
    5 – Shallman
    6 – D. Johnson
    7 – Wangler
    8 – S. Johnson
    9 – Perry
    10 – Longsnapper
    Obviously IF Peppers returns he gets a spot and Harbaugh is on record for J. Clark if he gets a 6th year. Now your down to 5 spots left for 3 thru 10 above + ~4 more future commits.

    I don’t see a lot of vacant chairs to run for when the music stops.


    in reply to: 2017 DL – As good as 2016? #20674

    Yeah, a lot is leaving but none of you have pointed out that those guys all played for 3 different DC’s in 3 years…….

    2017’s will not have to learn from scratch on the fly a new dc’s system. So while not having overall playing experience as guys leaving they will have More experience in playing within the same defensive system of Don Brown.

    This has to be a posiitve that those leaving never experienced. No?


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