Good morning, TTB readers! A few changes have made their way to this here website just this morning after a couple weeks of thought, coding, testing, etc.
Comment counts: When you make a comment at the site, your total number of comments displays itself underneath your avatar. Naturally, frequent commenters will have more comments, whereas infrequent commenters or new additions to the site will start with zero (or one, since it won’t show up until you comment at least once). I’m at 641. The prize for being #1 is glorious, let me tell you. Glorious.
Signup dates: Also displayed underneath your avatar is the date you signed up for the site. This is self-explanatory. I hope. If you want your own fancy avatar rather than a site-generated one, here’s a post to explain how to get one (LINK).
Upvotes and downvotes: Two buttons have been added to the bottom of comments. You may upvote each post or downvote each post. An upvote will turn the arrow green for you once you have voted, and a downvote will make it red. There is also a count next to each arrow for viewers to see the total number of upvotes or downvotes. Right now a small window pops up next to the arrow when you click, but I should be able to turn that off in the near future when another tweak or two occurs behind the scenes. These votes will not affect your comment totals, so posbanging and negbanging will be confined to affecting each individual post.
Please let me know your thoughts and feelings on the tweaks in the comments section.