An Introduction

Posts by: Mike Knapp

7Mar 2017
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An Introduction

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My earliest memory of being a sports fan is watching Remy Hamilton kick a field goal to beat Notre Dame in 1994.  I must have been a Michigan fan before that moment because my immediate reaction was to pick up the phone, call my dad at work, blurt out an off-key rendition of “The Victors,” and then hang up the phone.  

We generally inherit our sports affinities.  I inherited the Red Sox, Celtics, and Patriots genes from my mother.  These teams have given me plenty to cheer about over the years, but college football has always been my favorite.  My dad graduated from Michigan in 1972, and my Michigan fandom comes directly from him.  When I was little, Saturdays in the fall consisted of mowing the lawn and watching the Wolverines.    

As I grew up, so did my fandom.  I didn’t attend Michigan, but I was an athlete in college and got the chance to compete against the Wolverines, albeit on the water rather than the gridiron.  In that time, I never missed the chance to watch a Michigan game, even if it meant running home after morning practice.  

After college, I moved to California to work in the tech industry, and eventually became a high school teacher.  Still, I try to make it to Ann Arbor each year to watch a game with my dad and brother.  

If you’re reading this, you probably know that being a Michigan fan can be an obsession.  I’m that guy – the fan who will pour over Twitter and blogs, consuming as much information as possible.  I’ll call my dad or brother and talk to them about the game, the team, the coaches, or the recruits until they stop listening to me.  

When I was offered the position at TTB, I was thrilled.  I don’t claim to be an expert.  In fact almost everything I’ve learned about tactics and schemes comes from TTB and MGoBlog, and I’ve never played a down in my life.  But what I am confident in is my fandom.  I’ve watched every game since 1995, and I’ve watched most of them twice. I’ll try to bring that perspective to my interviews and blogs.  This doesn’t really feel like a job to me – it feels like the next development in my life as a Wolverine fan.  Hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as me.