Sea Stories: My Life in Special Operations by Admiral William H. McRaven. My dad was in the military, and I have tremendous respect for anyone who served or serves our country. So even though I have no idea what it’s like to be halfway around the world with my life on the line, I still feel like I can connect with the story. And I feel a little closer to my dad (and grandfather), who served in Vietnam (and World War II, respectively). McRaven is a Navy SEAL who finished out his career as the commander of all Special Forces and worked closely with a couple presidents, including George W. Bush and Barack Obama. This book goes all the way back to his childhood, growing up in a military family, and then through various points in his career. It climaxes with details about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, but what I found way more entertaining was the story of catching and interrogating Saddam Hussein. Overall, it’s an interesting and fairly easy read if you’re at all interested in the military.
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