If you’re a Michigan/MGoBlog fan, you might have found yourself witnessing quite a dust-up on Twitter between Brian Cook, Ace Anbender, Ant Wright, and others. I’m going to say a few things about it, because this is the internet and it was built to express people’s opinions about anything and everything, right?
- Ace has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is a real thing, and he started a Go Fund Me that (IIRC) raised $100,000+. Then he posted pictures of “non-essential” items on social media, and people got upset because…he wasn’t posting pictures of his medical bills, I guess.
- Donations are donations. If you don’t believe in the cause and the people receiving then money, then don’t donate.
- A donation does not mean that the recipient can only buy essential items for the rest of his life. At some point a person who receives a donation is going to buy a bottle of wine, a video game, tickets to a concert, etc.
- Also, refer to #2.
- Ace, Ant Wright, and Brian can all be buttholes in their own way. We all can. Today there were a lot of people being buttholes.
- Full disclosure: I rarely agree with Ant and muted Ace on Twitter a long time ago. So I don’t really have a side, except…
- …if you’re ever unsure, read #2 again.
Hit the jump for stuff that doesn’t have to do with buttholes.
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