A Day in the Life of a Coach

A Day in the Life of a Coach

August 6, 2009

This is slightly off-topic, but since it’s my blog . . . I guess it’s on-topic. I’m a high school teacher* and football coach, and today is the first day of two-a-days. I am not a varsity head coach; if I were, I wouldn’t have time to keep up with this blog. For those of you who haven’t coached or haven’t played high school football, I figured I’d give you a brief breakdown of what an average week of coaching looks like. Hopefully, you can understand why posting might become a little more sporadic.

*I’m a teacher who actually teaches a core subject, not P.E. or Driver’s Ed.

5:45 a.m. Wake up
7:00 a.m. Arrive at school
8:00 a.m. Begin teaching
2:30 p.m. School ends
2:40 p.m. Enter the field house; take care of pre-practice duties
3:00 p.m. Begin defensive practice
5:30 p.m. End practice
6:00 p.m. Freshman game begins
7:30 p.m. Junior varsity game begins
9:30 p.m. Junior varsity game ends
10:00 p.m. Arrive home

5:45 a.m. Wake up
7:00 a.m. Arrive at school
8:00 a.m. Begin teaching
2:30 p.m. School ends
2:40 p.m. Enter field house; take care of pre-practice duties
3:00 p.m. Begin offensive practice
5:30 p.m. End practice; game plan meetings; watch opponent film
7:30 p.m. Arrive home; grade papers; plan lessons
11:00 p.m. Go to bed

5:45 a.m. Wake up
7:00 a.m. Arrive at school
8:00 a.m. Begin teaching
2:30 p.m. School ends
2:40 p.m. Enter field house; take care of pre-practice duties
3:00 p.m. Begin defensive practice
5:30 p.m. End practice; game plan meetings
7:00 p.m. Arrive home; grade papers; plan lessons
11:00 p.m. Go to bed

5:45 a.m. Wake up
7:00 a.m. Arrive at school
8:00 a.m. Begin teaching
2:30 p.m. School ends
2:40 p.m. Enter field house; take care of pre-practice duties
3:00 p.m. Begin offensive walk-through
5:00 p.m. End walk-through; analyze practices; finalize game plan; remove adjustments that won’t be useful
8:00 p.m. Arrive home; grade papers; plan lessons

5:45 a.m. Wake up
7:00 a.m. Arrive at school
8:00 a.m. Begin teaching
2:30 p.m. School ends
3:00 p.m. Team dinner in school cafeteria
4:00 p.m. Team gets dressed; meet with individual players and coaches
5:30 p.m. Pre-game walk-through
6:30 p.m. Re-enter locker room for pre-game speeches and last-minute adjustments
7:00 p.m. Begin game
9:30 p.m. Win game
12:00 a.m. Arrive home

6:30 a.m. Wake up
7:00 a.m. Arrive at field house; review game film
8:00 a.m. Team breakfast
8:30 a.m. Team film session
10:00 a.m. Supervise weightlifting session
11:30 a.m. Arrive home
12:00 p.m. Watch Michigan football game


One comment

  1. Comments: 21395
    Aug 06, 2009 at 3:17 PM

    That is a very hetic scheldule.

    Great blog!

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